
Unique kan!hehe

Malaysiaku Oh!

Negaraku. Tanah Tumpah oh Darahku. Rakyat hidup bersatu dan padu (ye ke?)

United Kingdom

Tempat menimba ilmu

Umat Islam bersatu

Tak kira bangsa, bahasa, warna kulit, kita semua berkumpul menyembah Yang Esa

Ilmu Pengetahuan Adalah Kuasa

Belajarlah dari buaian hingga ke liang lahad

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Am I A DOG?!

Assalamualaikum wbt. guys!
Wassup DOG?!
"Hey!Do you have any problem with me huh?! Why did you call me DOG??".
Well friends, I'm sure most of you may already know about this, but maybe, just maybe, some of you guys still not used to it. Actually, in several 'English' countries like United Kingdom and America, it's rather normal for the people to call others with words like 'pig','dog', 'love', 'duck', 'sunshine', and etc.. (i.e. "Hi love!", "good morning sunshine!", "Thanks pig!").
Well typically for us Malaysian expecially the muslims, I'm pretty certain that the word 'dog' is not something that would make us feel comfort not to mention happy. But however, as for British, dog is a friendly animal and quite cute though. So it's happened to be kinda like a praise to them rather than a lashing for us. Yeah, it's really funny ha?haha...
Thus, if you had an opportunity to come to country like United Kingdom and America, don't be so suprized when someone greets you with those words I mentioned! And if not, at least you get smarter than about two minutes before! =D

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


As al-fatihah is the introduction/opening for the the book of holy Quran that we read everyday in the Solat(Salah), I reckon and believe it would be the best to introduce this blog with al-fatihah as well. I'm sure you guys familiar with this surah(letter) and the meanings, but I'm also quite sure that some of you guys never heard/read whatever I want to mention regarding this surah afterward.

Alright, may what I'm gonna share with you all be beneficial by any means, Amin.

The first, second and third ayat(s) are actually mean for Allah. Read the meanings. First we praise Allah by saying that all praises are just meant for Him. Second, we praise Him again but this time specifically, "Most Gracious, Most Merciful", and third we admit(testify) that He is the master of the Day of Judgement(the government of hereafter). All those are just for Him.

Let's see the fourth ayat. That ayat is means for Allah and for us, the servants. However, this ayat shows that we first need to worship Allah fist, than we could and should ask and hope anythings from Him. Last but not least, the latter fifth, sixth and seventh ayat(s) not to mention, are meant for us! We ask from Allah for His path of radiance, the path of truth.

Another lesson that we could receive from here is that, how absolute the justice(fairness) of Allah as He is All Just, The Equitable and The Impartial. For Him, 3 of the first ayat in the surah, and half of the fourth ayat, and He repays us back with half of the fourth ayat, and 3 of the last ayat of the surah! 3.5 points for Him, 3.5 points for us. Subhanallah!

wallahualam, jazakumullahu khair kathiran!


Bismillah... Jom perbaharui niat kita dalam setiap amalan :)