Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Salaam WBT! How are you bro and sis? I hope you guys in a very good mood and well health! Please play the video first, layaaann...!hehe

So, if you not forgotten already, last time I wrote something that is really 'touching' as I really wrote that with all my feeling ='[...if you got what I mean =D...Alright, so this time, I'll not write any 'touching' or 'emotional'

writing, but this time actually, I want to share (even you guys already know, I suppose), some tips/techniques/tactics/strategies/(just call what you want la...) on giving any reminders to others. So....

Let's begin with a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. ,

Dari Abdullah bin Amr radhiyallahu ta’ala ‘anhu, bahwa Nabi shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
بَلِّغُوا عَنِّى وَلَوْ آيَةً
“Sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat” (HR. Bukhari)
In this hadith, Muhammad SAW. emphasized the importance of delivering a reminder even a sentence or an action. You know, when you were still a kid, your father bring you prayed at the mosque, and he was like in

the first row of the saff and you were in the last row with the other kids. Well it's natural call for you as a kid to play with the other kids at the back and making 'unpleasant' noises and suddenly your father noticed your voice and he made

just a very low and slightly small sound like, "ehemm..ehemm..." or like, "uhhukk! uhhuukk!" AND you suddenly changed to a very soleh boy la! Going back to pray like nothing was happened!(pijak semut pun tak mati)LOL... What a scene(troll) ha...it's quite

funny! But then, that is a reminder as well, the coughing sound from your father. That is what Muhammad SAW mentioned as "even one ayat", yup, truly it is! Okay, stop 'flashback'ing, and let's get back to our real deal guys! Focus...

So, we know already, how important it is on giving a reminder. Now, the question is, how we're going to deliver out our message or reminder to the others.

FIRST and foremost:

MAKE SURE THE PERSON REALLY NEED TO BE REMINDED. This is the most vital thing you should take into account. Yeah, I know, some of you guys may said, "why we need to make sure, just give la the reminder,

don't worry la even they need it or not, it's not about who delivering the message, but what really matter is the message itself!". Well bro and sis, you are definitely right if you deliver the reminder not on one-on-one, or to

a small bunch of people. It's alright if delivering it to a lump/bulk of people. But it's really wrong for one-to-one or personally session. WHY? To be frank, no offense, it makes people those don't really need an advice or a reminder ANNOYED! Truly, yes! Trust me mates! Why I want to tell you lie....=D

Thus, please, before you want to deliver a reminder to a person, please make sure he/she really need it. You can ASK, "oh, I'm sorry bro, why you did that? I'm really keen to know la...". Or you can do any other ways that you think suitable, but please make sure you know that they are really need to be advised or not. Listen to their reason why there such thing that you may think it's wrong, but with some reasonable reasons, it might not wrong as what you thought. =D


I'm not going to tell you guys in this writing yet. InshaAllah for the next writing I'll post the other tips. Don't worry, I'm not doing this purposely so that you will follow my next post, not really. The only reason I did this

so that you guys can really 'digest' the FIRST tips and so perhaps you could really practice it first. If I give you all the tips now, I couldn't sure that you guys will follow them exactly as what I imagined. So, in a sense, by

giving a little by little tips to you guys, it's the best right? I hope you agree with me, because I just deliver our SECOND tips and give an example to it as well! =P....You get what I mean ha? Get it? LOL...What I'm trying to

say here, is, never give to much reminder in one 'punch' bro! People will not remember what you said and might get annoyed with you! And the other thing, even you just deliver one 'ayat', please don't la deliver it

redundantly(kata orang tua, 'potpetpotpet'/berleter la..hehe). Don't worry too much about whether people understand or not what you are trying to say. Once you deliver the reminder, then (again, our key point today) ASK them if they get what you said or not (i.e. "understood?" or "faham ke?"). =D


Hmmm, as I said in the SECOND, I will continue this writing with the next post. Yeah, I'm really serious about that!LOL. So, just want you to bear in mind and maybe dream about it, our third tips gonna be about 'PRAISING'. Keep thinking about it. I'm sure that
most of you guys already got what the idea of our third 'praising' method, because you were born from a really nice and responsible parent. (I just praise you, if you not notice...hehe ^^)

Hope to meet you guys again with full spirit and good health in my next writing. Please do follow, and it will be really appreciated if you could share this blog to your friend, because I hate to speak(type) alone by myself la...kinda like SS, not for sahabat sejati la..LOL, but SS stand for 'syok sendiri'...=D

Thanks for accompanying me! Jazakumullahu khairan Kathiran (May Allah bless you with goodness!)

Wassalam WBT.

With love,
Your Brother ^^


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